Friday, August 23, 2013

Updates and What Not

I'm a little over six months (or 27 weeks 5 days, if you want to get right down to it) and if things weren't beginning to change enough before, they sure are now. The third trimester is kicking in, and I can definitely feel it looming over me like this beautiful yet oppressive and tangible thing. Everyone has told me it's the hardest to get through, but despite that, I'm trying to go into it with an optimistic mind.

Fatigue has kicked in, but it's really nothing to compare to the first trimester when I was tired and felt "hungover" all the time (without having any of the fun usually associated). So this is a cinch, so far. My back kills me, my knees creak, and I'm having trouble sleeping, but overall I'm still in a pretty good mood. I just think about Sully and how all this is for him, and I get more excited than anything else.

Braxton Hicks contractions started kicking in around, oh, 23-24 weeks-ish? I wasn't sure what the hell was going on until my doc mentioned it at my 24 week appointment. I was told that women could start as early as their first trimester. Fun stuff. They don't hurt per say, but holy hell do they get your attention. They take your breathe away and make it difficult to focus on anything else, which is annoying when I'm at work, but what are you gunna do? It's my body's way of telling me that we're getting closer, and I can't complain about that.

I've become well acquainted with the concept of "snissing." You know.. you sneeze and then piss yourself. I wouldn't recommend it. I thought it was bad when my second trimester rolled around, but now that I'm getting into my third, I've found that being super aware of my bladder is a good idea, even when I don't have to sneeze. Especially when Sully decides to drop kick it like a soccer ball, nearly knocking me out of my chair... 

On to the fun! We started to get the nursery ready, but the backboard of the crib was cracked. No worries. The company is sending us a new piece asap, and it's going to be beautiful! Sully's room is going to be pretty low key. Not going to be a ton of frills or bright colors. He's a boy. I'm his momma. Frills are not our thing. Blues, grays, and whites. Arrows and outdoors and mischief and imagination. No real theme, just something cozy that he can grow in to. 

I've been spending a lot of time wondering what Sully is going to be like when he makes his appearance. Taylor says he'll be all Mahaffey, but I think he underestimates the power of the Wimbish gene. ;). Will he have light or dark colored hair? My little brother had a full head of dark brown hair, so who knows? Will he like sports or will he be more of a fisherman? Maybe he'll be a writer. I'm determined that he'll be a reader. It's interesting to think about what he'll look like, what his passions will be, and ultimately, who he'll be.

We'll find out soon!!
