Saturday, September 7, 2013

Things I've learned so far.... The trivial and not so much...

Being pregnant is one of the most intense educational life experiences I've ever been through. I've learned a lot not only about what it takes to be happy during my own pregnancy and what I need to prepare myself for after, but I'm pretty sure I'm finding out just exactly what I'm capable of. And that's anything.

I've had no choice in learning patience (and anyone who knows me knows this is not one of my virtues). Nine months is a looooong time for me. Although it's going by so fast that my head is beginning to spin, waiting has never been my thing. I've had to learn to take things slow, and as a result, I'm enjoying the whole process rather than focusing on the result. There's no rushing a baby :).

My tolerance for discomfort has sky rocketed. I'm pretty much uncomfortable all the time, even now as I type this and sip on my one cup of coffee for the day. My back hurts, my feet are beginning to swell, and sometimes I feel like I literally can't get out of my chair. Just last night, my body was so worn out and hurt so much that I seriously crawled up the stairs and by the time I reached the top, I just laid down, at which point both my lovey dogs came and snuggled up to me. So yeah, I'm getting tired. But I'm still totally happy with it; Taylor makes me laugh about it, at which point I have to be careful not to pee myself.... Yeah. I just said that.

I've had to learn to just let things go - it's okay if the house isn't spotless or if I'd rather put my feet up than cook dinner. I'm obsessive about my house. I like it to look good, smell good, and be cozy. We work our asses off for this amazing life, and having my own home has always been important to me. SO it was very difficult for me to just let it go a little bit in exchange for the R&R I'm needing more and more of as this pregnancy progresses. But you know what? I'm definitely happier not worrying so much about it.

I've always been really hard on myself with... well... everything. If I don't do something just right, I get really upset and frustrated with myself. At work. At home. Doesn't matter. It's stupid. Which is why learning to just let things go and work at a slower pace has been a major but necessary obstacle for me to overcome in this pregnancy if I want to be happy through it all.

Also, a part of this whole letting things go mantra I've been going on about... The weight gain sucks. Not fitting into your clothes sucks. Seeing a number on the scale that you've never seen before in your life sucks. But it's a part of the whole thing, and as someone who's always been very active and pretty careful about my weight, this is insane. But you know what? I'm pretty much over that now. Last week, I had an appointment in which I was measuring small. As in about two weeks behind normal. Had to have an ultrasound a week later to make sure Sully was growing like he should, and in that week, I swear I didn't give a damn about my own body. I ate, and ate, and ate. And after all that, Taylor made me eat some more. He wouldn't leave a restaurant until I "finished my plate." LOL. My appetite is back and forth, and sometimes food just sounds... UGH... But you know what? The ultrasound showed Sully was perfect (full head of hair!!) and that I just measure small. I think that little scare was God's way of telling me to quit being so freakin' worried about how big my used-to-be-nonexistent ass is getting and just be happy that my little guy's health is right on target.

So the things I've learned can pretty much boil down to "DON'T STRESS." I've heard people say that being pregnant is a huge sacrifice, and I guess I can see their point, but at the risk of sounding like I know it all (because I absolutely don't), here's what I do to make it not feel so much that way...

1.) This one's big, so it'll be kind of long: Everything in moderation. Being pregnant seems to come with a ginormous list of things you can't eat or do, and it gets a little too extreme. (Some women drive me nuts about this... I've even heard that pregnant women shouldn't eat peanut butter or chocolate. Are you kidding me?) I've done a lot of research, talked to my doctor, and I've come to the conclusion that harm only comes in form of excess ~ which is true when it comes to anything in life. I enjoy my one cup of coffee. I have seafood every now and then. And, hell, I'll even have a teeny glass of wine or half a beer every once in a great while. If you do a little research, you'll find that things are changing from the whole long list of "nevers" that come with pregnancy. It doesn't have to be so freaking strict. Women stress so much about this kind of stuff, and I think that that's worse for the baby than anything.

You don't have to freak out, just be aware. There are things I don't do, such as eat deli meat or pound coffee like I used to. So in that case, I get a hot sandwich or go with decaf if I really need an afternoon pick me up. When moderation sucks, I replace it with something just as good. So all in all, I don't really feel like I've sacrificed much of anything that I would have normally done when I wasn't pregnant.

2.) Do things that make you feel pretty. Kinda sounds cheesy, but when you feel fat, swollen, and achey all the time, the little things can really make a difference. Bubble baths are amazing things - I'm talking candles, music, a book... whatever. Just do it. Coconut oil is your friend (straight up from the baking isle in your grocery store). I rub it on my belly every day, and haven't spotted one stretch mark so far. Accessories are essential. Scarves and jewelry - I'm telling you. Candles. I always have one lit because they just make me feel cozy.

3.) Work on projects for the nursery. DIY. Works for me. Right now, I'm making Sully a blankie and I've got a couple of pieces of nursery wall art I'm working on. Doing these things makes me forget any discomfort, and instead I just feel happy, proud, and excited.

4.) Ask for help. Typically, when I cook, I clean up afterward. Lately though, I've simply asked my husband if he'll help me, and he's always happy to. Before, I just did everything and never asked for a hand. It's amazing what a simple request will do to take those little burdens off your shoulders.

I think that's all I have for now... Sully is in great health, as am I. Hopefully soon I'll have photos of the nursery!


1 comment:

  1. That is awesome! love it, tearing up! you really know how to put things.

    You have always been a perfectionist and I know how hard "relaxing" is for you if you don't get it perfect! started when you learned to wouldn't stop until you had it down pat and finally fell asleep on the floor from exhaustion! that was when you were a year old! You started picking out your own clothes at 18 months! so Yes I know!!

    Love you so much and am so proud of you!


Please comment!!! Eventually, I'll get a book made of this blog for Sully to look at when he's older!